Take the Pledge
Take the Pledge! If you live in Clackamas or Washington County and get your drinking water from the Clackamas River, we are asking our water customers to take a pledge to reduce or even stop outdoor watering by mid-September. If you care about protecting our river water for people, and fish here’s your chance to be part of our “Fish On the Run, Irrigation Done” campaign to help migrating fish.
By taking part in our Pledge you will receive a FREE yard sign (below) letting neighbors know that you are doing your part to keep water in the Clackamas River for fish. If you participated in our campaign and received a yard sign last year, please place your sign outside to make sure your neighbors know you are supporting the Clackamas River again this year.
• Beginning mid-August, each week remove one day of watering from my irrigation schedule.
• Let my lawn go dormant during the summer, which saves water reduces run-off and requires less mowing
• Take my car to a carwash that recycles and reuses the water
• Only water outside before 8am and after 8pm
• Make sure I stop outdoor watering by mid-September