Protecting our Watershed
Unlike the City of Portland’s protected Bull Run watershed, the Clackamas is a multi-use watershed with various users and ownership throughout the watershed.
Each time it rains or snows, pollutants wash off the land and flow untreated into nearby surface and groundwater sources. Human activities such as construction, timber harvest, livestock management, fertilizer and pesticide use if not performed responsibly can degrade water quality.
We all play a role in preserving our vital drinking water resource. Whether you’re a resident, business owner, employee or farmer, you can make a difference. Protecting and conserving our drinking water plays a key role
in making the best overall use of the precious resource we share.
• Get involved! Attend a Clackamas River Water Providers, city council, or water board meeting.
• Call your water provider for more information.
• Join our local watershed council, the Clackamas River Basin Council.