North Clackamas Water Commission
North Clackamas County Water Commission (NCCWC) Water Treatment Plant
Created in 1999, the NCCWC is owned by the City of Gladstone, Oak Lodge Water District and Sunrise Water Authority (Cities of Happy Valley and Damascus). The NCCWC is an independent body organized under Oregon Revised Statute 190. The Board of Commissioners for the NCCWC is composed of commissioners from each member agency appointed to represent the interests of their respective agencies. In 2005 the original 10MGD slow sand treatment plant was upgraded to a 20 MGD plant with the addition of submerged membrane treatment, making the treatment plant essentially a duel plant, with the oldest and newest water treatment technology. Each water treatment technique can be operated independently or in tandem depending on water quality and water demand needs. The NCCWC water treatment plant provides drinking water to over 80,000 citizens for its member organization in Clackamas County.

Estacada Water
Lake Oswego – Tigard Water
Clackamas River Water
South Fork Water Board